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New Ontario Shooters Association (NOSA)
2024 Activities or Events and Pictures

Here find details of the shooting activities and related events at NOSA, the family-friendly Thunder Bay rifle and pistol shooting club. Events or subjects are in approximate date order (usually based on the earliest date if an activity is spread out).

Photos here are by Banacek unless otherwise attributed. This page is also intended to show some of our members' 2024 photos in club and related activities in and about Thunder Bay, Ontario -- or wherever our members travel for competitions or sport. Member photo contributions are much appreciated. And please be kind.

At the end of each calendar year, a particular year's activities and photos will still be available on its own NOSA page. For other years, see the top of the current Recent Activities webpage using the link at left.

Photos on these web pages are optimized for viewing at the low resolution of a computer monitor. If you wish to print particular photos, identify them in an email to the Webmaster, and he will email you a higher resolution version. If you have an objection to a particular image of yourself or your family member, send an email to the Webmaster and that image or the complete photo will be removed from the website.

At the end of each calendar year, a particular year's activities and photos will still be available on its own NOSA page. For other years, see the top of the current Recent Activities webpage using the link at left.

Photos on these web pages are optimized for viewing at the low resolution of a computer monitor. If you wish to print particular photos, identify them in an email to the Webmaster, and he will email you a higher resolution version. If you have an objection to a particular image of yourself or your family member, send an email to the Webmaster and that image or the complete photo will be removed from the website.

Click on any individual images here to see a larger view.

NOSA Annual General Meeting -- Sunday, 14 January 2024

Members at Club Meeting

Location: NOSA's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Slovak Legion, 801 Atlantic Ave., Thunder Bay. Delicious refreshments were available.

NOSA Adult and Family Membership Renewals for 2024 become due effective 31 December 2023, and NOSA Membership had to be current in order to vote on club business, or to hold NOSA office. More information on the several types of memberships can be seen on the About Us page (link in column to left) and if you have more questions please contact Bob or Dana directly (Club Contacts link is in column to left).

This AGM's agenda included presentation of the NOSA annual budget and discussion of club business.

At the 2023 AGM, Member George H. was tasked with monitoring the NOSA Members' recorded use in 2023 of the Nolalu Range. At this AGM, club sign-in records for 2023 were presented and they confirmed that the Members' use of Nolalu had been extremely low, particularly on Fridays and Saturdays, and the fact was that the Members who only signed up for Nolalu were paying only about half of the club's costs for running that range. After considerable discussion of possible solutions to this budget shortfall, the motion to cut two weeks at the start of May and again two weeks at the end of October (worst weather periods for us there) and to eliminate Friday and Saturday rental was passed nearly unanimously. After discussion with the Range Operator, our new schedule at Nolalu has been confirmed and actual new dates for 2024 are now specified on our Range Schedules webpage (link in left column).

It was also noted, and Members are strongly cautioned, that sign-in to our book at the Nolalu Range, and at the Fish and Game Ranges (first at the F&G Main Gate and again at Pistol Range 8 if used) are mandatory and are required to maintain the validity of that Member's insurance while using those ranges.

There was also an announcement from Gerry K. that the once popular shooters' gathering at Nolalu Range (The Thursday Irregulars) was expected to be well attended this year; all NOSA Members are welcome; shooting starts around 2 p.m. on Thursdays during NOSA Club Days at Nolalu and should finish by about 6 p.m.

Click on the individual images here to see a larger view.

Bob & Chris
& Dana start
the AGM
Jordan is about
to understudy
an ex sailor
Yes we are
all a very
happy bunch
Checking the
budget numbers
for 2023
Our members
chat with
old friends
in warmth
despite winter
cold outside
And soon we
get up to
enjoy snacks
and share tall
tales from
2023's fun
and start to
book Gun Show
March tables

NOSA Gun Show in Thunder Bay -- Saturday and Sunday, 09 & 10 March 2024

Gun Show Visitors

This annual two-day NOSA Spring Gun Show featured the opportunity for the public to buy, sell, or trade: Guns, Knives, Ammunition, Collectors' Cartridges, Reloading Supplies, Optics, and Accessories. A food concession was also on site.

Location: The Slovak Legion, 801 Atlantic Ave., Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 2S7 Canada.

Show Hours for the Public:
            Saturday 09 March -- 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
               Sunday 10 March -- 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Admission for the Public was $5.00 each day, and free for those under 12 when accompanied by an adult. Attendance at this spring show was just over 1200 members of the public.

NOSA had an information display about our Club, and our activities promoting the shooting sports including our Junior Shooters Program. This show provides some of the annual funding for the Juniors.

NOSA gratefully thanks the vendors and exhibitors for their participation and support towards making this show a success, and special thanks to the NOSA volunteers that made this show even possible.

Click on the individual images here to see a larger view and hit your Back button to return here.

Dana & volunteers
help set up on
Friday evening
First vendors
are now
Saturday morning
and we are
almost ready
The variety of
sporting gear
is awesome
08:45 and a
last minute
look around
Fred and Doug
staffed their
Stan and son
Randy are
always here
Easton joined
her father
Roy again
Geoff is our
expert on
Chris with
a happy
Antilla's link
is in NOSA's
Useful Links
Larry at
NOSA's info
About seven
Nylon 66s
were present
Rick's L.A.R.
Arms have some
neat firearms
Chris and
John survey
the crowd
Tim's custom
knives & axes
are incredible
Eugene chats
with Don at
NOSA table
NOSA Junior
Shooters start
very young
Jordan coaches
Elizabeth and
all our Juniors
Geoff chats
with Lisa from
L.A.R. Arms
Kim and Tina
are here at
most shows
and Tina
poses for us
Antilla's has
huge variety
of old tools
Ammo beside
White Cedar
Sunday packing
up until our
August Show

Junior Shooters Wrap-Up Shoot -- 24 April 2024

The Junior Shooters held their spring wrap-up shoot and received their prizes. Elizabeth was Top Marksman and she also placed 1st in our Air Pistol Shoot. Aiden placed 2nd and Kaitlyn placed 3rd. Samantha sent us the photos.

Click on the individual images here to see a larger view.

NOSA Adult and Family Members' 2024 Outdoors Shooting at Nolalu

The NOSA Club Outdoor Shooting Range is known as the Nolalu Shooting Range or the JR Range. Those who hold membership of NOSA plus membership of Thunder Bay District Fish and Game were able to shoot at Nolalu seasonally (see details below for NOSA days booked), and at the Fish and Game Ranges year round. Other persons who want to sshoot at Nolalu Ranges only can buy a special Nolalu-Only NOSA Membership (see details below for NOSA days booked).

The Nolalu Shooting Range or the JR Range was in operation in 2024 for two days a week on NOSA Club Days Thursdays and Sundays from 16 May through 13 October inclusive between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. or darkness.

A current agreement has been made with the Thunder Bay Combat Club, which normally books the same Nolalu Ranges for Saturdays during this same period, to share these same Ranges with NOSA Members weekly on both Saturdays and Sundays.

The term Nolalu Irregulars refers to a small band of NOSA members who mostly regularly shoot together at Nolalu. All NOSA members were welcome to attend and enjoy the company of friendly fellow shooters. Lots of tips and help for newcomers to this fun shooting sport.

The Nolalu Irregulars started on the 16th [of May] and have shot on the subsequent Thursdays as well as Sunday mornings. They started at 14:00ish on Thursdays (retired folks) and 09:00ish on Sundays. Early start times allowed for folks to get more shooting in as well as the usual jibber jabber and show and tell. With enough attendance, the BBQ could be fired up for eats.

For detailed information and instructions regarding our Nolalu Range, or any other ranges we use, please read our Range Rules page -- link is in the column at left.

Nolalu Range .22 Rimfire Challenge -- Sunday, 11 August 2024

Gerry K. and The Irregulars hosted a 100 Yard .22 Rimfire Challenge for all NOSA members at the Nolalu Range on Sunday, 11 August from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

There was to be only one winner and the prize was half of the accumulated Entry Fees; NOSA gets the balance after deducting costs for materials.

The rules were simple. Each entrant paid $5.00 per target and could enter as many times as they wished.

A target for this event consists of five 2" clay discs that are glued to a backing and attached to the 100 yard target frames.

Rifles were limited to .22 Rimfire only. Any sights with bipod or front bag. No bench rests or rear support.

Shooters had up to 3 minutes to break the 5 clay discs with a maximum of 10 rounds allowed.

The winner was based on the best time to break all five discs on a target. Entrants could optionally buy extra targets to improve their timing.

Click on the individual images here to see a larger view.

George H. (2nd) and Winner Joe C.
holding a sample target
with five 2" clays

Initially George H. and Joe C. tied. Then in a run-off shoot, Joe won with a time of 30.98 seconds using a bipod equipped Bergara .22 semi-auto rifle fed with TAC-22 ammunition.

NOSA Kakabeka Falls Gun Show -- Saturday & Sunday, 24 & 25 August 2024

Gun Show Visitors

This annual now two-day event was held by NOSA. A kitchen was run by Legion staff. Details follow:

Location: Kakabeka Falls Legion on Highway 11/17 a couple of minutes East of that town, or 20 minutes West of Thunder Bay.

Show Hours for the Public:
09:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, 24 August; and
09:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, 25 August.

Admission: $5.00, and free for those under 12 when accompanied by an adult.

NOSA had an information display at the show about the NOSA Club, and our activities promoting the shooting sports including our Junior Shooters Program.

The NOSA Executive members also worked throughout the show and gratefully thank the vendors and exhibitors for their continued support. They also very much thank the many NOSA members who volunteered to work and assist during this enjoyable annual event.

Click on the individual images here to see a larger view.

Photos begin with setup on Friday afternoon while bringing tons of exhibits into a nearly deserted building -- and we then see exhibitors and public visitors during the weekend days until our final close at 3 p.m. on Sunday. And yes we all enjoyed this show immensely. It is fun meeting with and exchanging information with friends both old and new.

NOSA Club Annual Appreciation Shoot and BBQ at Nolalu Range -- Sunday, 15 Sep 2024

Image of paper target

This shoot was for all NOSA Club Members, including Junior Shooters and young family members, and began at 10:00 a.m. with the shooting events. There was a BBQ at lunch time. Participation in this shoot and the BBQ were free -- in appreciation for another year of club volunteer work and fellowship supporting our shooters and activities.

Members of the Thunder Bay Combat Club (but who are not NOSA club members) were welcome to join us at lunch for some delicious free food and refreshments, but regrettably not for participation in our members' shooting events this day.

NOSA Member shooting events included rimfire (RF) and centerfire (CF) handguns and rifles. There was also a bingo rimfire event where the added element of luck might even the competition for newer shooters. Black Powder (BP) firearms could also participate in appropriate centerfire events.

6 Shooting Events and 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners:
Centerfire Pistol 10 rounds Score @ 20 yards; Dana C., Tom S., Neil J.
Rimfire Pistol 10 rounds Score @ 20 yards: Neil J., Tom S., Chris R.
Rimfire Pistol 5 rounds Bingo @ 20 yards: Warren D., Tom S., Dana C.
Rimfire Rifle 10 rounds Score @ 20 yards: Chris R., Tom S., Neil J.
Centerfire Rifle Scoped 3 rounds Group @ 100 yards: Tom S., Warren D., Samantha D.R.
Centerfire Rifle Iron Sights 3 rounds Group @ 100 yards: Chris R., Jordan R., Aiden H.

Weather was sunny and very warm and everyone had a most enjoyable day with great fellowship. We had very good food thanks to chef Bob M., and our thanks to Dana for some fine supplies, and our much appreciation to Chris and Samantha for running the events and their careful scoring.

Click on the individual images here to see a larger view.

NOSA Adults' Christmas Shoot -- Friday, 13 December 2024

Image of paper target

There were delicious snacks provided, as well as prizes for all shooting events.

The 5 shooting events and winners:
50 yards .22 RF Rifle Target with Scope -- Ron W., Niel J.;
50 yards .22 RF Rifle Target with Iron Sights -- Jordan R.;
11 metres CF Pistol Target -- George H., Samantha R.;
11 metres .22 RF Pistol Target -- Mark W.;
11 metres .22 RF Pistol Bingo -- Chris R., John G.

The trophy winners were George H. for pistol and Ron W. for rifle.

Our good thanks to Chris and Samantha and Jordan R. for managing the shooting events and prizes and to Bob M. for providing the delicious snacks. This year prizes in the shooting events were turkeys and chickens and hams.

NOSA Junior Shooters' 2024 Christmas Shoot -- Wednesday, 18 December and then Break

Wednesday December 18 was the Junior Shooters' Christmas Pizza and Fun Shoot (competition).

Juniors then took a break to start up shooting again on Wednesday 08 January 2025!

NOSA Members' Adventures and Hunts -- 2024

Every year we feature some of the members' photos of their recent outdoor adventures -- sometimes from their hunts, but mostly candid photos of wildlife and scenery that they have encountered and enjoyed while just observing through a camera lens. We're looking forward to seeing some new photos.

Wayne Sm. sent us a photo of a puddy tat, who is definitely not that cuddly Sylvester.

On 13 June the snow is now long gone and two rabbits have begun grazing regularly on our front lawn; here's the closest. And yes we leave the Dandelions to grow for the bees and butterflies too.

Flickers have become quite common this year working the lawn for food.

For five years a large Groundhog named Gary has lived under the boulders at the edge of our front yard. And every fall he has disappeared over the hill to spend his winter hibernating. (That means our place is his summer camp.) This spring he brought along a cute blond we named Molly.

Over the past winter a pregnant Whitetail Doe visited our yard regularly and after giving birth hid her fawn in our woods nearby.

Here's a very rare visitor to our yard -- an American Bittern youngster (about 20" tall when fully erect) squeezed through a narrow gap in our fence.

J-B G. proudly sent us this fine photo of daughter Dr. Healey and her 200 pound Black Bear.

Don K. sent the following note: "This photo is of the first grouse I took with my 13 gauge, yes that is correct, a 13 gauge, percussion double barrel shotgun. A great afternoon hunting in which my smoke pole and I took five birds.

On 21 December we noticed a Red Fox lying in the sun on a very cold day on a hill about 50 metres from the house. The Nikon P950 camera on partial zoom provided a closer view. No computer enlargement of the images.

Click on the individual images here to see a larger view.

Wayne's Snow
Kitty is right
at home here
One of two
Rabbits grazing
on our lawn
Flickers have
become common
visitors here
Gary is back
with cute little
mate Molly
Doe and her
Fawn live in
our woods
American Bittern
youngster came
by to visit
Proud Dad with
Dr. Healey and
her 200 lb Bear
Don K's Grouse
taken with
BP 13 gauge
There is a
Red Fox up
the hill
sunning itself
on a very
cold day

Warning and Disclaimer. Only the most current printed Shooting Rules and Range Standing Orders and Match Standing Orders as issued by the N.O.S.A. Executive are official and they should be read, understood, and followed. If there is any question as to interpretation of a rule, or safety of a practice, immediately ask a member of the Executive or a Range Safety Officer before placing yourself or anyone or anything else at risk. Any activity involving firearms has inherent dangers. Some contents on this website may include personal opinions and experiences or practices that should not be emulated. Everyone viewing this website, or any other website or book or magazine or pamphlet or media source, is cautioned to seek professional advice first about anything written or implied or inferred. Your safety is your personal responsibility.

Copyright © 2025 New Ontario Shooters Association. This site is copyrighted and no content may be reproduced by any means, including electronic, without written permission except for strictly personal use. Other websites wishing to post a link to this site are welcome to do so.