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![]() NOSA Reviews of Books and Reference MaterialsAim of NOSA Member ReviewsThe aim of this page is to gather recommendations for books and other reference materials that will be useful to our New Ontario Shooters Association members. Most will relate to firearms and shooting and reloading, etc. but there is also room for related subjects such as woodscraft. The catch. We also want to see a paragraph or two giving a brief idea as to what the book contains, as well as a critical review of how good it is and why you think so. Submissions for books you like and found valuable please.... We need the Title, Author, Publisher and your commentary. As for finding some of the older books that will be mentioned here, we now have a terrific advantage with the internet. Used book sellers online will likely have several copies available over a wide price range. If we are readers, not necessarily book collectors, we can usually find a good clean copy at a reasonable price -- often far cheaper than a modern book bought new. Waiting for your input here too. Table of Contents for NOSA Member ReviewsShooting TopicsEd McGiverns's Book of Fast and Fancy Revolver Shooting Gun Digest (an annual publication) Lyman Reloading Digest 49th Edition The Machinist's Bedside Reader WoodscraftCache Lake Country -- Life in the North Woods How To Stay Alive In The Woods Big Game And Big Game RiflesAuthor: John Taylor "Pondoro" Publisher: Herbert Jenkins Ltd., London Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek First published in 1948 [mine was a 1958 reprint], this may be one of the most thorough and well reasoned early books documenting the rifles and cartridges and ballistics suitable for African-sized big game. Much of the data in this 215 page book is applicable or adaptable to large game on our continent. Certainly cartridges for eland or even lions will be suitable for our moose and bears. But no, we don't really need the elephant guns written about here except to impress the other folks on the target range firing line. (Not that impressing others is not an enjoyable pastime on its own merit. "More Power" echoes the chant of Tim the Toolman, "I want/need/gotta have a Binford 900 Express.") Seriously now, the book is enjoyable to read. It provides fascinating insights into an earlier age, and tells us about some real hunts showing that the old cartridges were just fine. I suspect John would not be impressed by the latest cartridge flavour of the month from Remchester. But if you are looking at buying a gun for a new cartridge, it will be interesting to compare its ballistics to the ones documented here. Importantly, John Taylor emphasizes hunting sportsmanship and humane pursuit of the game. African Rifles & CartridgesAuthor: John Taylor "Pondoro" Publisher: The Gun Room Press ISBN: 0-88227-013-3 Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek The copyright is still 1948 [mine was a 1977 reprint] because this book contains much of the content from his earlier book described above: Big Game And Big Game Rifles. But the content here has been more than doubled to 431 pages from 215 pages in the earlier book. And yes that is due to a doubling of actual content, not from larger print. This book really benefits from many fine photographs and sketches or illustrations, and contains overall a greater discussion of the various topics and more stories of hunts. The first book covers the topic of suitable rifles and cartridges well, and you will be well served by obtaining a copy and enjoying it. If you can find a copy of this later version, all the better. Personally I enjoy having both and rereading bits and pieces of them again during our long winters here. Blue Steel & GunleatherAuthor: John Bianchi Publisher: Beinfeld Publishing, Inc. ISBN: 0-917714-15-6 Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek It would be unusual if anyone with an interest in handguns was not at least a bit familiar with the Bianchi name, from his extensive line of commercial holsters. Personally I used three different Bianchi designs during my police service days, and the holsters were uniformly superbly made and found to be truly superior in function for their purpose. So when I recently encountered a used copy of this book for sale, I snapped it up. Hmmm. There is a lot more to this book than purely holsters. And there was significant input from noted handgunners and other holster makers. John Bianchi was himself a police officer before becoming a holster designer and manufacturer. First comes a look at the historical holsters actually used in the American wild west. They are completely different from what Hollywood and television depict in their fictional tales. Those early holsters were designed to protect and secure the gun from loss, and were definitely not designed with fast draw in mind. As it turns out, fast draw was not a really big deal back then, as a smart lawman would be better served by entering an encounter with handgun already drawn, or better, carrying a shotgun at the ready. The evolution of holsters with lots of pictures is covered in detail for the various categories of uniformed police, plain clothes carry, military requirements, and sportsmen's needs. Along with each holster model is an analysis of its positive and negative characteristics, and evolution, as well as lots of tips on drawing efficiently and safely, and then effectively using the handgun carried. Many tips are included on improving shooting skills. Of course there is discussion on the making of a custom holster, and the owner custom fitting an existing commercial holster -- and how to maintain these vital, and fairly expensive, accessories. The blue steel part of the title is well covered; the ideas discussed and suggestions made will be valuable to any shooter, but perhaps lifesaving for police and military service personnel. My only negative comment about the book is that I would have liked some of the holster photos to be larger, and less dark, to bring out the details better. Some of the holster functional design descriptions would be easier to understand if they had been accompanied by a line drawing. Definitely a good read. Cartridges of the World, 14th EditionAuthor: Frank C. Barnes (earlier content) Editor: W. Todd Woodward Publisher: Gun Digest Books ISBN-13: 978-1-4402-4265-6 ISBN-10: 1-4402-4265-8 Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek The 14th Edition just became available in December 2014, and I have become immersed in reading all the new content; this version includes details for more than 1,500 cartridges, both current and obsolete. You might wonder why I would buy the new edition when I already own the first and sixth editions. Know that those earlier two are well worn, but not needing replacement because of wear; the new one has additional and different content including 50 all-new cartridges that make it a must for a reference. As usual, the cartridges are grouped into categories and Chapters such as Current American Sporting Cartridges, Obsolete American Rifle Cartridges, etc. Then each cartridge has its origin and characteristics written up, followed usually by details of factory loads and ballistics, and often handload suggestions are also made. Each Chapter ends with a chart showing complete dimensions of all those cartridges, arranged in order by bullet diameter and then case length and power. At first it was challenging to find a particular old cartridge (that might have changed category from earlier editions because an obsolete cartridge had been adopted by a new manufacturer and changed from obsolete to current status). The opposite was also true as an old factory standard joined the obsolete category. Then I found that every cartridge in the book was also listed in an full index at the back that showed its particular page number. Now if you do buy this one, highly recommended, you must also realize that every new edition will sometimes drop an old obsolete cartridge to make room for a new one. After all, the book has grown to a thickness and heft that would seriously hurt your foot if dropped on it. The Editor has been forced to make some practical cuts. One obsolete British cartridge for which I have a rifle now has its reloading data omitted. So there is good reason for anyone, who buys this book new, to also inexpensively pick up at least one or two earlier used editions, either at a gun show or on the internet from used book sellers. The new edition also has some excellent multi-page articles on some individual cartridges, and a great article by Bob Campbell on selecting an appropriate cartridge for a specific use. Do realize that this is not a dry reference book where you only look up specific cartridges. You will find yourself reading fascinating history and information on nearly every page. Ed McGiverns's Book of Fast and Fancy Revolver ShootingAuthor: Ed McGivern of Montana Publisher: Follet Publishing Company Library of Congress Catalog Card number: 39-32491 ISBN: 0-695-80557-6 Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek Ed was born in 1874 and this 484 page book was first published in 1938. This was a time when the revolver was still king -- the primary sidearm of law enforcement officers and very popular with civilian agencies and the public. Yes the semi-automatics had a foothold in the military world, but the revolver was available in far more powerful handgun cartridges and had a deserved reputation for reliability. Ed still lived in an era when shooting prowess and public exhibitions by firearms manufacturers were popular. And Ed was a great showman demonstating the shooting of aerial targets and all sorts of trick shooting. But this book also has a very serious side -- to improve the effectiveness of training and shooting by police officers, and anyone who wants to succeed in this hobby. Ed demonstrated incredible personal proficiency including the firing of six rounds accurately from a Colt double action revolver in 0.6 seconds (shortest time) and other times to a maximum of one second. And not just once, but reliably and repeatedly. No that is not a typo. Less than one second for 6 well placed shots. He could do 5 well placed shots from a S&W .38 Special revolver in 0.4 seconds with full service loads. (You cannot do that, or even come close, with a semi-automatic no matter how much you try; the mechanical action is too slow.) And his other accomplishments will boggle your mind. All witnessed and certified. This is an enjoyable read and a must-have reference for all enthusiastic target shooters who want to hone their handgun skills. Ed clearly explains his training methods. No secrets here. Gun Digest (an annual publication)Author/Editor: John T. Amber (for the early annual books) Publisher: Gun Digest Books Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek If you have only seen a recent copy of this annual publication, you may not be impressed. It will have some good articles, and the current guns and accessories catalogue, and ballistics tables, but also lots of colour ads. If you go to a gun show, like our two club shows each year, you will perhaps get the opportunity to peruse some early copies available for sale. They had truly excellent articles that were written largely by folks who had spent a lifetime shooting and hunting. Guns were reviewed honestly, revealing their weaknesses as well as strengths. In those days, there were no ads and the writers did not have to please an advertiser with phoney praise. Lots of good reading and rereading in the warmth of your living room during a long long winter. And while you're reading, consider attending to that bottle of your favourite beverage that is just too full right now. Gunsmith KinksAuthor/Editor: Bob Brownell Publisher: F. Brownell and Son Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek Most folks who have had anything to do with shooting sports are aware of Brownell's huge business supplying tools and material relating to firearms and their maintenance and customizing. I noticed long ago that Bob had published a book called Gunsmith Kinks intended particularly for those practicing the trade. It was a bit pricey (now in 2013 about $29.95 for one volume) and I never bought one, figuring it likely had little of interest to the rest of us non-gunsmiths. Wrong. Last year while attending a gun show I had the chance to thumb through used copies of the first two volumes (there are now four), and immediately picked them up for a bargain price. The books are full of tips provided by Bob and gunsmiths across the country in order to help one another solve firearms problems. Lots of tips on machining and metalworking and woodworking and finishing that will educate us regular folks too, whether for maintaining our firearms or in other hobbies. And there is a great deal of humour interspersed with the advice, making these books a real pleasure to read. My problem now is a strong desire to own the other two volumes. Gotta keep my eye out for used copies. If none turn up soon, I'm going to have to break down and buy new ones. Lyman Reloading Digest 49th EditionEditor: Thomas J. Griffin Publisher: Lyman Products Corporation Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek The Editor, Thomas J. Griffin, proudly asserts that their company's publications have been relied upon for more than a century for authoritative reloading information. This version is no exception. I already have several reloading books by other companies and authors but was pleased to pay the $30 Canadian to acquire this one. It has really practical advice and provides unbiased results as Lyman makes none of the commercial components featured. This digest is up to date with the latest cartridges, powders, bullets and other components. Unlike many other reloading books, Lyman studiously provides reloading information using many different brands of components readily available in North America. There is also much information about cast bullet loads, which has the potential to increase our shooting opportunities and reduce costs. The digest starts with an introduction to the equipment and components and the practical how-to's of getting started in reloading. And lots of tips that will be valuable to even seasoned reloaders. Following that are a number of fascinating articles worthy of any fine shooting magazine, providing invaluable insights that will surely improve our shooting results and hunting success. Of course, there are the detailed loads for the most useful bullet weights and powders for each cartridge. Tables highlight the bullet-powder combinations that produced the most accurate results in their testing. [Ballistic coefficients and sectional densities are provided for all bullets used, which will allow further study in computer ballistic programs for shooters who are very technically inclined -- not me now, and probably not most of you, but perhaps in future...] This book is highly desirable for beginner and expert reloaders. No Second Place WinnerAuthor: William H. "Bill" Jordan Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 65-22080 Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek When I was young, now longer ago than I care to think, Bill Jordan was a particular hero of mine. The book's title says it all. There is no second place winner in a gun fight. Bill Jordan, over a long career of writing and law enforcement, ended up as Assistant Chief Patrol Inspector, U.S. Border Patrol. He served during a particularly violent gun fighting era along the U.S. southern border. Bill's experimentation with gun fighting techniques and developing improved equipment, along with his practical experience and then writing and training, have doubtless saved many officers' lives. Much of his writing will assist anyone, including recreational target shooters, interested in improving their shooting ability and results. Yes there is the odd amusing story that Bill admits adding to the book to please his publisher and reduce the solemnity of what is indeed a practical and very detailed textbook of why's and pluses and minuses and how-to's of choosing and using various equipment, and then perfecting shooting techniques. Here is a list of chapters (following the Introduction and Chapter One) whose titles are self-explanatory: The text is liberally interspersed with excellent pictures to clarify exactly what Bill is describing. And while the book has only 114 numbered pages, the typeface is compact and tightly placed so that one page of his text would need at least two or more pages in the fashion of current publications. So there is a lot of detailed content and distilled wisdom available here. I thoroughly enjoyed his meticulous and lucid writing style, and acquired some helpful tips. The Accurate RifleAuthor: Warren Page Publisher: Winchester Press ISBN: 0-87691-102-5 First Edition: 1973 Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek We older folks will remember Warren Page from his 24 year post as Shooting Editor at Field & Stream magazine. Warren was instrumental in the development of both the .243 Winchester and 7 mm. Remington Magnum. Besides being an accomplished writer and hunter, Warren won many national bench rest championships. Definitely someone who knows this topic exceedingly well. "So," you ask, "what's the big deal about shooting well with a rifle that is rested on sandbags or some elaborate device while sitting at a bench?" Anyone who has tried this exercise will soon learn that a lot of variables are still involved, and accurate shooting is no automatic result. Warren takes us through the various mechanical parts of a rifle and tells us what design features are really important for better accuracy. Then many tips on how to improve our bench shooting techniques for better results. And a practical discussion on how we can improve our sighting in and shooting with regular hunting rifles, including some nasty recoiling calibers. Lots of other subjects including reloading for better accuracy, and even tips on proper gun cleaning. This book will teach everyone, new shooters or old hands, at least a few tricks or techniques that will benefit our shooting success. The Accurate Varmint RifleAuthor: Boyd Mace Publisher: Precision Shooting, Inc. First Edition: 1991 Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek By now I've read a number of books relating to firearms and shooting accuracy, but was frankly and happily surprised by the many facts and practical tips in this book, and how clearly Boyd made his points. That really should have been no surprise considering the glowing introduction written by David Brennan, Editor of Precision Shooting Magazine. He liked Boyd's magazine articles so much that he published this book for him. The first point I would emphasize is that this book is not just for varmint hunters, it is incredibly valuable for anyone interested in precision rifle shooting -- whether for hunting small prairie dogs at 600 yards, or making groups in paper targets that are one ragged hole. Even big game hunters will benefit from the tips here about improving rifle accuracy and extremely precise handloading. After a general introduction about the search for accuracy, Boyd provides many instances showing the importance of and how-to's of firearms safety. He then does a very detailed examination of the various reloading equipment alternatives and their advantages towards providing the most accurate handloads possible. Lots of tips not mentioned elsewhere. He then goes into great detail about improved shooting techniques and resolving accuracy problems related to both equipment and the shooter. As for shooting off the bench (which we all do), the tips there will save a lot of time and money and frustration as we learn the best techniques. Then Boyd describes the types and advantages/disadvantages of various actions and barrels and stocks and scopes, which again will save us time and money in our quest for improved precision. He also includes very interesting chapters on the hows and whys of many wildcat and varmint cartridges -- again with the potential for us to know enough to choose them more wisely. Boyd then provides a lot of varmint hunting tips, and real gems to improve our long range shooting. I really enjoyed this book and its easy reading style that did not make me sleepy like some other texts have done. Felt just like having a conversation with a friend around a coffee table. The Book Of Rifle AccuracyAuthor: Tony Boyer Publisher: Turk's Head ISBN: 978-0-9826788-0-0 First Edition: 2010 Reviewed by NOSA Member: Ray M. Anyone who is interested in rifle accuracy should read this book. As I became more interested in getting the most accuracy from my rifles, I looked for help in answering the questions I raised and in solving problems associated with my resulting target groups. As I was interested in precision shooting, I gravitated towards benchrest articles for answers and came across this book. The author, Tony Boyer, is a well known and very successful competitive benchrest shooter who shares his techniques on accurate shooting. Most of the information deals with examples from a benchrest perspective but the information is relevant for hunting/sporter rifles as well. He has sections in the book on rifle components, reloading, rifle tuning, reading and understanding shooting conditions and shooting technique. Anyone taking the time to read the book thoroughly will have a better understanding of what makes a rifle shoot more accurately. There are numerous tidbits of information to help you improve not only your shooting skills but also your handloading skills as well as a section on cleaning your rifle. The book is broken down into five main sections with each section covering specific topics. There are twenty-five chapters covering aspects such as rifle actions, stocks, triggers, barrels, bullets, etc. From a target shooting/ benchrest point of view this book is a must read. If you are interested in precision shooting, reloading to increase accuracy and getting the best performance from your rifle, Tony Boyer will lead you through the various aspects of the sport and the fundamentals of rifle accuracy. The overall impression I came away with was that accuracy with a rifle was a combination of a lot of factors. Being both a hunter and a target shooter, I can see now that being successful on a continual basis at either sport requires more practice and understanding. This book will not disappoint either the novice or seasoned shooter. The Machinist's Bedside ReaderAuthor: Guy Lautard Publisher: Same ISBN: 0-9690980-2-2 and 0-9690980-3-0 and 0-9690980-9-X Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek This was the first book in a series, the following being the Machinist's Second [and Third] Bedside Reader. ISBNs above are in book order. So what do these books by a Canadian author have to do with shooting and the great outdoors? Surprisingly there are a lot of tips and tricks about machining and metalworking that are related to gunsmithing practices and general workshop know-how. And there are several articles and stories relating to shooting. Even if you think you have no interest in machining per se, there is lots of good stuff to make you think and some very entertaining tales. And we do love [or at least need] to exercise our few remaining grey cells, right? Cache Lake Country -- Life in the North WoodsAuthor: John J. Rowlands Publisher: The Countryman Press; printed in Canada ISBN: 0-88150-421-1 Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek This book is something totally different. It came highly recommended as a classic in another book called The Machinists Bedside Reader (which has some firearms related topics). So after the usual delay of several years, I finally looked for it in the library -- no go. So I checked the used book online sources. Yikes, this book was first published in 1947 and the early collectors editions were really expensive. But a new paperback version was cheap and available in quantity. My first impression: wow, 272 pages and full of the neatest and most fascinating hand drawn maps and images to illustrate the story. Double wow. So I put it on the bedside table and then started to read it. This typically meant reading three pages and falling asleep. The next night I had to reread at least one page before adding another page or two and drifting off. Whoa. So I set the book aside until I went on vacation and (naturally) was mostly stuck indoors by rain and cold. So I got out this book for a daytime attempt at reading it. Once I got into it, there was almost no stopping until I finished it. So what's it about? This recounts a calendar month by month year in the life of John Rowlands at his wilderness cabin retreat in Northern Ontario when he was a young man with a timber scouting job in the area. The date is not clear but would likely be in the very early 1920's, or perhaps even a bit earlier. But it is not about his timber work. It is about the woods and critters and survival skills and handcrafts and friends as the year goes through its cycle. His friend at a neighbouring cabin is the talented illustrator Henry B. Kane (who went on to illustrate many other folks' books). And his mentor is Tibeash, a local Cree Chief, whose talents are remarkable and educational. I surmised the story took place in the late teens or early 1920's and would love to be corrected if anyone can get better information. The book's new introduction states that Rowlands went on to a career as a journalist with United Press in New York and Boston, and was the very person in 1923 who advised VP Calvin Coolidge when President Warren G. Harding died. Rowlands went on to another long career at M.I.T. This is an interesting and comforting book to be reread with pleasure every few years. How To Stay Alive In The WoodsAuthor: Bradford Angier Originally published as Living Off The Country Publisher: Collier Books and Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek If you have never heard of Bradford Angier, I could simply introduce him as a close hunting and camping friend of Colonel Townsend Whelen (he of .35 Whelen fame). Here we have 26 chapters in 285 pages on practical methods for survival in the wilderness. And this book is not by some recent amateur survivalist wannabe as you might encounter on a cable TV channel. From the United States originally, Bradford also homesteaded in the rugged northern Peace River area of Canada, and actually lived the life he wrote about. Quoting from the last page, "Survival in the final analysis is up to the individual...It costs very little time, money, and effort to be ready. If you are not ready, it may cost your life." The skills and ideas taught in this book will stand you in good stead while hunting, fishing, and camping in pleasant circumstances, but be invaluable if you are ever lost or injured or somehow stranded. (And this pocket book can fit in your survival kit.) Well written and an enjoyable read. You'd have really liked talking to the author over a coffee/tea/whatever. And he has several other good books out there if you like this one. Northern BushcraftAuthor: Mors L. Kochanski Publisher: Lone Pine Publishing ISBN: 0-919433-51-0 Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek Here we have 303 pages on the subjects necessary for wilderness self sufficiency. All the skills and methods taught are indeed applicable to hunting, fishing, and camping expeditions and will be a valuable supplement to what is covered in a true survival book like the one above by Bradford Angier. A different flavour, a slightly different purpose, but very useful to folks like us in NOSA who want to enjoy being out in the woods. A strong point in this book is the large number of very clear and detailed illustrations of the what's and how-to's we need. Bush tools like axes and knives -- and their safe, practical use -- are covered in detail. The writing is also very clear, but in the manner of a textbook, not the warm story told by a friend. Tackle CraftAuthor: C. Boyd Pfeiffer Publisher: Crown Publishers Library of Congress Catalog Card number: 73-82959 Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek Here in 338 pages we read extensively on the subject of making, maintaining, and repairing fishing tackle. The author makes the point that there are a great many books on tying artificial flies, but a relative dearth of those devoted to other tackle -- a situation that he very competently and thoroughly alleviates. One chapter alone on Painting and Finishing made this book invaluable to me, as many tips there can be applied to other hobbies and crafts. So what else does he cover? Tools and Materials, Spinners (and how to build them), Bucktails and Jigs (in various ways), Sinkers and Tin Squids (casting and otherwise), Soft Plastic Lures (molding and detailed variations), Spoons (and various metal lures and how to make, modify, and decorate them), Wood and Plastic Plugs (including carving, hardware variations, and painting), Fly, Bait-casting, Spinning, and Saltwater Rods (every detail about making and repairing them), Tackle Boxes (design and construction), Wire leaders, Terminal Rigs, and Miscellaneous Lures (in great detail), Other Fishing Tackle (nets, rod holders, cases, floats, big etc.), Molds and Special Tools, The Care and Repair of Fishing Tackle, and information on suppliers. We then have the potential to make and modify fishing tackle to our heart's content, both saving money and obtaining the freedom to pursue our own ideas, and make far better quality lures than we could afford to buy. What's more, because these lures cost far less than the store-bought variety, we can take greater risks with them, casting into locations where we would otherwise be afraid of losing our gear, and that's where the wise old lunkers hide. There is a newer version of this book titled Modern Tackle Craft, but you will do well with either version. By buying a used version online, you'll also enjoy another bargain. The BackwoodsmanEditor: Charlie Richie Publisher: Backwoodsman Magazine Reviewed by NOSA Member: Banacek I found this bimonthly magazine in a country store a few years ago. Never heard of it before then. But wow, what a bunch of practical articles for the hunter and shooter and fisher and camper and survivalist. Since then, it can now be found in Chapters and Shoppers Drug Mart and Walmart and probably elsewhere, but hardly anyone I meet seems to know it. I'll bet you find far more articles of interest and real value to you than in any copy of the bigger outdoors mags. Here are the articles in just the one July/August 2010 edition: Do yourself a favour and pick up a copy. It was a real bargain at about $7.99 in Canada. It won't be your last. And back issues are available. Well a few things happened since this original review of a family business in 2010. The founding Editor/Publisher Charlie Richie Senior and his wife died and the otherwise unchanged magazine carried on with his son Charlie Junior for another couple of years. But as of the end of 2023, the financial challenges of publishing and delivering a specialized magazine required change. Starting in 2024, with the Winter 2024 Volume 45 No. 1, the magazine is now quarterly and priced at $11.99 Canadian. The intent is to have the total annual content be the same number of pages. It is still a very good deal and alternatively there is a less expensive annual digital only option. Warning and Disclaimer. Only the most current printed Shooting Rules and Range Standing Orders and Match Standing Orders as issued by the N.O.S.A. Executive are official and they should be read, understood, and followed. If there is any question as to interpretation of a rule, or safety of a practice, immediately ask a member of the Executive or a Range Safety Officer before placing yourself or anyone or anything else at risk. Any activity involving firearms has inherent dangers. Some contents on this website may include personal opinions and experiences or practices that should not be emulated. Everyone viewing this website, or any other website or book or magazine or pamphlet or media source, is cautioned to seek professional advice first about anything written or implied or inferred. Your safety is your personal responsibility. Copyright © 2024 New Ontario Shooters Association. This site is copyrighted and no content may be reproduced by any means, including electronic, without written permission except for strictly personal use. Other websites wishing to post a link to this site are welcome to do so. |