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New Ontario Shooters Association (NOSA)
2025 Recent Activities or Events and Pictures

Here find details of the shooting activities and related events at NOSA, the family-friendly Thunder Bay rifle and pistol shooting club. Events or subjects are in approximate date order (usually based on the earliest date if an activity is spread out).

Photos here are by Banacek unless otherwise attributed. This page is also intended to show some of our members' 2023 photos in club and related activities in and about Thunder Bay, Ontario -- or wherever our members travel for competitions or sport. Member photo contributions are much appreciated. And please be kind.

At the end of each calendar year, a particular year's activities and photos will still be available on its own NOSA page. Click on the year desired in the following table.

Click Year for Previous Activities
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Nolalu Range Improvement Projects, pictures and text, during a particular year can be seen on the individual year pages above, but for your convenience several years of such projects have also been gathered together here on a summary webpage.

NOSA Members' Adventures and Hunts are similarly reported in each year's activities, but prior years have also been gathered here in a summary webpage.

Photos on these web pages are optimized for viewing at the low resolution of a computer monitor. If you wish to print particular photos, identify them in an email to the Webmaster, and he will email you a higher resolution version. If you have an objection to a particular image of yourself or your family member, send an email to the Webmaster and that image or the complete photo will be removed from the website.

Spelling of Names. We try hard to spell folks' names correctly but errors can creep in. Please advise if any corrections are needed.

NOSA Annual General Meeting -- Sunday, 12 January 2025

Members at Club Meeting

Location: NOSA's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Slovak Legion, 801 Atlantic Ave., Thunder Bay. Delicious refreshments were available.

NOSA Adult and Family Membership Renewals for 2025 become due effective 31 December 2024, and NOSA Membership had to be current in order to vote on club business, or to hold NOSA office. More information on the several types of memberships can be seen on the About Us page (link in column to left) and if you have more questions please contact Bob or Dana directly (Club Contacts link is in column to left).

This AGM's agenda included presentation of the NOSA annual budget and discussion of club business.

One major change for NOSA's upcoming summer gun show in 2025 is to hold it on one day only, a Saturday. Date yet to be announced.

Thanks to the Thunder Bay Combat Club, NOSA members are welcome to shoot with them at Nolalu on Saturdays starting now.

The current NOSA Executive members were applauded for their service and returned to office by acclamation.

Click on the individual images here to see a larger view.

NOSA Gun Show in Thunder Bay -- Saturday and Sunday, 08 & 09 March 2025

Gun Show Visitors

This annual two-day NOSA Spring Gun Show featured the opportunity for the public to buy, sell, or trade: Guns, Knives, Ammunition, Collectors' Cartridges, Reloading Supplies, Optics, and Accessories. A food concession was also on site.

Location: The Slovak Legion, 801 Atlantic Ave., Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 2S7 Canada.

Show Hours for the Public:
            Saturday 08 March -- 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
               Sunday 09 March -- 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Admission for the Public: $5.00 each day, and free for those under 12 when accompanied by an adult.

NOSA had an information display about our Club, and our activities promoting the shooting sports including our Junior Shooters' Program. This show provides some of the annual funding for the Juniors.

Our grateful thanks to the other NOSA, our good friends and affiliates at the Northwestern Ontario Sportsmen's Alliance, who generously donated a thousand dollars to help support our Junior Shooters' Program.

NOSA also sincerely appreciates the vendors and exhibitors for their participation and support towards making this show a success, and to the NOSA volunteers that made this show even possible.

Click on the individual images here to see a larger view and hit your Back button to return here.

NOSA Members' Adventures and Hunts -- 2025

Every year we feature some of the members' photos of their recent outdoor adventures -- sometimes from their hunts, but mostly candid photos of wildlife and scenery that they have encountered and enjoyed while just observing through a camera lens. We're looking forward to seeing some new photos.

On a sunny 14 February this is all the eye, or a normal camera, might initially see on the hillside from my window. Zooming the very capable Nikon P950 reveals a young doe about to nap.

Click on the individual images here to see a larger view.

A pleasant
sunny day
in February
finds this
young doe
about to nap

Warning and Disclaimer. Only the most current printed Shooting Rules and Range Standing Orders and Match Standing Orders as issued by the N.O.S.A. Executive are official and they should be read, understood, and followed. If there is any question as to interpretation of a rule, or safety of a practice, immediately ask a member of the Executive or a Range Safety Officer before placing yourself or anyone or anything else at risk. Any activity involving firearms has inherent dangers. Some contents on this website may include personal opinions and experiences or practices that should not be emulated. Everyone viewing this website, or any other website or book or magazine or pamphlet or media source, is cautioned to seek professional advice first about anything written or implied or inferred. Your safety is your personal responsibility.

Copyright © 2025 New Ontario Shooters Association. This site is copyrighted and no content may be reproduced by any means, including electronic, without written permission except for strictly personal use. Other websites wishing to post a link to this site are welcome to do so.